Slinging hot metal in front of a raging fire, Pandé Made Subrata’s sixty-eight years have not slowed him down. Up early every morning at his parapen or forge, he works the family profession nearly every day with his wife and grown children in Banjar Dangin Pangkung, Kaba-Kaba, Tabanan, Bali.
Subrata makes knives, gongs for the gamelan, and the fabled Keris. He’s a gracious host. We chatted sipping kopi Bali. Then it was back to work forging a ceremonial knife, upacara sudamala. Pandé Subrata offered to let me lend a hand with the work, but my elbow still sore, I opted for the camera, and he allowed me to photograph him and his family as they worked. He turned quickly to the task at hand, wisely seeming to forget I was there. I moved about them, mindful of the flames and the swinging hammers. All too soon, I had to take my leave. Made shared a glass of tuak with me for the road. I promised them I’d be back soon.

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Copyright 2019: The Mouse & The Elephant, Daniel S. Vaughn.