After the third dive of the day, Diana asked the crew if we could go into the village, Talimau, Halmahare, Indonesia. The headman was on board collecting fees, so the captain cleared it with him and we loaded into the dive tender. Kristin brought a bag full of colourful pens, Margot brought Joel, Diana brought chocolate and I brought up the rear. We were accompanied by Tambora crew members, Nando, Jecki and Joker and off to Talimau we go.
I’m not sure the village knew what to make of us as we docked our small boat on the pier. Diana led the way and the small children were a little uncertain. So Diana charged headlong chasing into them and they all scattered like small fish on a reef, all the while screaming in delight. Kristin set up on a wall and started handing out her trinkets and was quickly surrounded by half the village. We headed off down the main road, talking with the lokals and taking photos. Soon everyone was surrounding us, asking to have their photos taken. The very small children never did quite get over the strange looking people from the sea.
Way too soon it was time to go. I had to be summoned to the boat; I was considering staying. I’m still wondering, as I write this what it would be like to live here for an extended time, what a strange and wonderful adventure it could be. Finally persuaded to join the boat, the pier was lined with the children of the village. As we cast off, I implored them to jump in, but no luck. I shouted as we motored off, “Tunggu untuk saya. Saya Raja Gurita dan suatu hari saya akan kembali. Jangan lupa!”
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